Guest book

I'm going to make our guest book from a scrap book.
Pink pages, black envelopes (maybe homemade if I can't find some small enough), and white cards to write on.

and that is not us on the front, it's the stock photo.

Ring Bearer box

Excuse the yucky quality of the picture, I took it with my phone.

I decided I liked this idea better than a pillow, and its much cheaper. Total cost $6 :)
I bought a plain light wooden box from Hobby Lobby, sanded it, painted it, and use paint pens to write "With this ring..."
This is my first attempt at it, and I'm not crazy about how the words look. I have 2 other boxes that I've done the same thing with, with different lettering.

Cake Table Letters

I haven't finished these, going to put some black rhinestones on them.